Do I need a GPS?

I just built a quadcopter using the APM board without a GPS module attached. The maiden flight was successful and the vehicle flys ok. I programmed a switch on my TX for altitude hold but, upon activation, the copter went out of control so I quickly switched it off. Not sure how to troubleshoot this further.

I have a GPS module on order and expect it in any day now. Besides flying waypoints, is there any other reason to use a GPS? The vehicle can still do altitude hold and loiter modes without GPS, right?

The GPS provides altitude data through 3D fixture of the quad.

And loiter is a GPS controlled flight mode. The board would remain in stabilise if you were to go into loiter without GPS.

Hope this helps…

You do not strictly need a GPS.

If alt hold is causing problems, you have:

  • too much vibration, or
  • THR_ACCEL_P and THR_ACCEL_I are too high

don’t you need gps & barometer both to AUTOLAND?