Do I have to re-setup if I upgrade to 3.1 firmware?

First post, so please be kind!
I’ve had a look on the wiki and the manual and search on here and although there are some cryptic references I cannot put my mind at ease.
I have a 450 quad which flies well with APM 2.5 and firmware 2.9.1 and I’m thinking of upgrading to 3.1. With the loss of position hold and all the new features I am wondering if I do the upgrade if I have to set the quad up again from scratch as a fresh install, or do I have to save my existing param to a file and then reload them after the upgrade, or do I not have to do anything?
I know that with Pos hold no longer there I will have to re-set up flight modes. (BTW - On that point, position hold still shows in the manual, so is its deletion simply temporary?)

I would be grateful for any pointers.

Thanks a lot

I have the same question for an upgrade from 3.1x to 3.1.y

Someone knows that ?
