DJI O3 OSD issue. Missing OSD_TYPE = 5 parameter

DJI O3 OSD issue. Missing OSD_TYPE = 5 parameter.
Hey, I’ve tried running 4.5.7 copter and plan official build on

  • old-fashion Pixhawk 2.4.8 and
  • Speedybee wing miny

On both devices I don’t see the OSD_TYPE = 5 parameter. Max num is 4.

I can see this parameter in master and any other latest branches

what can be the reason that this parameter is present and lots of people in Internet normally use Ardupilot with DJI O3, but for both my boards it’s missing?

according to enabled features list it should be there, but it’s not.

any suggestions?
or help to identify what to enable if I rebuild the firmware, pls.