DIY ESP32 based flight controller

So, i want to build my own flight controller based on ESP32 mcu.
I managed to build firmware following this page

The problem is that it states “Currently esp32 dev board with connected gy-91 10dof sensor board is supported.” I don’t have any gy-91 laying around and there’s some sort of shortage in my area, i can’t find any gy-91 or even solo mpu-9250 in local stores. So, i want to use different IMU, like mpu-6050 or LSM6DS3.
However, i can’t find any docs and examples on how to configure firmware to use other IMUs. Like, are they defined in boards/boardname.h ? Then where’s the list of supported IMUs and their definitions? And how do i configure board.h file properly?

Suggest you head over to the ESP32 Discord channel and join the very small crew interested in this.

hi @djObsidian
do you have created the firmware Ardupilot for ESP32 ?

It so nice to see your idea, and i also have make a mini drone use ESP32, and i porting a firmware for it, and it fly well:


@Leon90 excelent job! you can share the firmware compiled ? thanks

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Hi @skimans are you still working in this project? There might be a possibility I can help you in this situation. I recently ported the ardupilot firmware on Esp32 and it is working fine.

@Ahmad_Maaz Hi Ahmad
i have tried to port Ardupilot on STM32 but not work.
You can help me ?
thanks much

@dkemxr how i can join to ESP32 Discord channel ? it’s a general channel of ESP32 or is Ardupilot channel ?

First you Google “ardupilot discord” and then you click the link and follow the directions.

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Hey, man. I have a request. Could you please help me out in building an ESP32 brushed drone? please drop an email to
I also request you to attach the .bin firmware files if it’s convenient. Thanks a lot.

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