Display Distance wheels encoder

Yes it will, but the whole thread was about non gps - encoder only
Anyway , I neeed it for my own setup ,so that was a good thing.

Bonne continuation dans tes tests

thank you, yes its right, it was only without GPS.
but if you think with GPS it will be more easyer and faster to do this i can put 1 just to set Origin…
if i can with 0 it s better for me … :slightly_smiling_face:

hello @ppoirier, I was able to connect a Holybro micro m8n GPS, the GPS is working fine and I am solving my problem of SET ORIGIN EKF and HOME POINT, but unable to set up the compass. I have a purple cube, but I want to use the Holybro external compass.
Wires connections RX/TX ok and SDA/SCL too.
in the Mission Planner SETUP I do not see any compasses. if I st COMPASS_ENABLE = 1 I still have the message BAD_COMPÄSS_health. do you have an idea?! [image | 690x481]

I suggest you open a new post as this is not related to Wheel Encoders

yes sorry of course… :+1: