Disabled Pre-arm safety checks, but still not able to arm

Hey guys,

I connected copter and the mission planner. I disabled the Pre-arm checks in the Mission Planner, and wrote the command into the copter. However, the copter still failed to arm (when I turn the throttle down and right for five seconds, and then push it up, the motors didn’t spin).

Does anyone know what is wrong ?


I had the same issue 3 times and have not found the solution. I did reload he firmware and could re-arm, but when plugged back into the MP it will not arm. On the notes tab it says No GPS lock?

Hi Tim, have you calibrated your radio and ESC? First check that you’re sending AC the correct receiver information by opening Initial Setup > Mandatory > Radio Calibration. If you’re using telemetry you should see a pre-flight warning if something is failing, if there’s nothing then it’s likely one of the above issues. Go through the list

copter.ardupilot.com/wiki/initia … -hardware/

You can calibrate your radio, arm/disarm AC with only USB power and without powering the motors while you’re troubleshooting. :slight_smile:

Visser and ddoug,

Thank you guys for replying! I’m finally able to arm the Copter! Before then, there was no red issue showing up on the Hud screen in MP, but I was just not able to arm the Copter with throttle down and right for 5 sec. HOWEVER, it WORKED when I first hold the throttle down and left, then move to the right!! I couldn’t believe it.

Hi ddoug, I’m not sure what your problem is. But for the GPS to lock, the environment is very important. Mostly it has to be open sky, and you have to wait for sometime for the GPS to lock, which is indicated by the solid blue light on the APM.

Hi Visser, I did go through the list. The question is when I disable the prearm check in MP, and write the command into the APM, it should let me arm with no problem. Right?

Also do you guys know how to test the motor using the MP? The response I got was ‘command is denied by ardupilot’

[quote=“timlee”]Visser and ddoug,

Thank you guys for replying! I’m finally able to arm the Copter! Before then, there was no red issue showing up on the Hud screen in MP, but I was just not able to arm the Copter with throttle down and right for 5 sec. HOWEVER, it WORKED when I first hold the throttle down and left, then move to the right!! I couldn’t believe it.

Hi ddoug, I’m not sure what your problem is. But for the GPS to lock, the environment is very important. Mostly it has to be open sky, and you have to wait for sometime for the GPS to lock, which is indicated by the solid blue light on the APM.

Hi Visser, I did go through the list. The question is when I disable the prearm check in MP, and write the command into the APM, it should let me arm with no problem. Right?[/quote]

Found out what my issue was. After updating the firmware it would not arm. I re-loaded the original parms it armed. I am going to recalibrate tonight and all should be fine