Difference between F765 serial and H743 serial

I recently encountered a problem while working on remote triggering of the Sentera Dual 4K camera.

Arduplane 4.1.4
Missonplanner 1.3.75 build 1.3.7883.26333

arduplane parameters

The MCU does not have a trigger command in F765.
The MCU becomes a trigger command in H743.

I wonder. What difference?
Anyone who has such problems, principles, or experiences, please share information.

You need to provide more details.
There should be no difference in the available commands.
Can you provide your parameters for both flight controllers, and the specific models.

Thank you for your interest.

The FC used in the test was
Matek F765-wing
Matek H743-wing V2
Pixhawk Orange

FC is Arduplane 4.1.4 and all parameters are default.

  • SERIAL2_BAUD 115
  • SERIAL2_protocol 1
    Only two parts have changed.

-----------There was a problem with the translation-------
The MCU does not have a trigger command in F765.
The MCU becomes a trigger command in H743.

Send it as a trigger command from the mission planner and the Sentera dual 4k camera will work.

Not working when sent as a trigger command in mission planner.

I’d double check that you’re using serial 2 to start with, then confirm correct pinout order, then confirm the power supply. If you’re not seeing anything on the serial port try another (F765 has plenty).

I tested Serial2 and Serial4 of the F765.

On the same Serial2, Serial4
I connected a telemetry device and did a test.
No problems are found.

There doesn’t seem to be a problem with the hardware.

If telemetry is working, then it’s unlikely to be a software issue. Are you testing the same camera with both flight controllers?

Yes, it’s the same camera.

So I’m even more curious.

The picture below is the FC I am testing.

I solved the problem today.

In conclusion, Mission Planner Reset to default
arduplane 4.1.4 → 4.0.5->4.1.0->4.1.5->4.1.5 (Reset Default)->solve

Thank you… I need some rest.