Randy’s happy to help them with their tuning issues
Craig will talk to them
They mention Open Source several times in their press releases, which is great!
UTC0040 - Voting - very close, can we have it checked?
Ardupilot.devel people can see and check it
Tridge has checked it
FF: If people will continue to doubt our votes then we need a different system, Google Forms wasn’t really made for this
Having the votes closed on this one makes it different to others
(Channel) Buzz: I was the first person to use google forms for this process, and I went out of my way to make the process open and transparent. it’s just a tickbox when you setup the form/s. I believe in 100% open and transparent, and nearly all vote/s have been done the same way since then.
Randy will go through how the voting works
Be consistent
Any quorum required?
Would any votes ever get up then?
(Channel) Buzz: I think this vote should have all the individual vote/s releases, as that’s the process we used till now.
Have to make sure we have discussion on-list before votes are created!
Call is not sufficient!
People were surprised!
Do we need to run this vote again?
Will reopen vote for a week and allow people to change their vote
Remember the vote is not as to whether XYZZY become a partner, it’s whether we talk to them
There will be a follow-up vote for them becoming a partner
[12:01 PM] (Channel) Jaime-mobile:
I’m ok with reopening for a week. Not because I feel it was illegitimate, just because it is so close and we have people that did not vote. Also to Craig’s point we need to discuss why we are approaching them
UTC0105 - randy is looking forward to outcomes from Unconference!
I didn’t see anything in the notes on what was said about this link. I want to help with autotest, but I cannot find any documentation on the test infrastructure, how I can modify, what tests are “needed” etc.