Attendee count (max): 24
UTC1105 - Welcome to Arash!
- GeorgiaTech
- Use ArduPilot
UTC1106 -
- Add EKF uninitialised flag to mavlink packets
- So a GCS can not say, “AHRS bad”
- Static assert is incorrect
- Needs to log a 32-bit number
- get_filter_status
UTC1110 -
- AP_HAL threadsafe object buffer
- Played with other ways of doing it
- Copy-and-paste was the best result
- Played with other ways of doing it
- Needs squashing
- Duplication is bad
- Comments will be added and then this can be merged
UTC1113 -
- Prevent failsafe returning to do-land-start
- Begging MdB to have a look
UTC1114 -
- Toshibacan / AP_Scripting
- Usage times out of ESCs
- Tells you how many seconds it has been spinning since it was created
- Retrieves from ESC
- To be exposed in LUA scripts?
- Create AP_ESC_Telem library
- Common interface to talking with toshibaca/kdecan/piccolocan/blheli/uavcan?
- Minimum information in there ATM
- Create AP_ESC_Telem library
- Why not in AP_Vehicle?
- Will be changed
- KDECAN only on Plane/Copter?
- [10:17 AM] To Weekly devcall: There’s a big comment on the KDECAN stuff IIR C.
- Several places in the code where we check all of them individually
- Several where we miss a type of ESC
- Which can be a safety issue
- So use the library to do prearm checks or whatever
- Is_active?
- Shouldn’t need to worry about which are being used in AP_Arming
- Some sort of limiting code not in place?
- 1000 to 2000 limits in blheli derived from the “digital mask” which is the mask of the motors that don’t do PWM and use 1000-2000
- [10:22 AM] (Channel) Michael_duBreuil: AP_ESC may be misleading that its not just reporting? But maybe it shouldn’t be? Really haven’t thought enough about it/used them in this way to have real comments
- [10:23 AM] To Weekly devcall: … like, you know, putting in 1000-2000 limit stuff isn’t necessarily “telemetry”
- Several where we miss a type of ESC
- Randy will create an issue to move other ESCs into here
- AP_Motors doesn’t cover the forward motor on a Plane.
- Will be moved to AP_Vehicle
- MdB left a review
- Logging from this library rather than individually?
- Randy thinks we’ll call down into them separately
- Constant from library
UTC1130 -
- Make it easier to determine if all the binaries can be built
- To be discussed on next Wiki call
UTC1134 -
- Extends functionality that’s currently built into the Solo companion computer
- Mavlink messages that go to the gimbal over the serial connection
- Only thing that understands this is Solo
- This will allow missions to toggle structure or toggle between video/photo
- Peter’s suggestions
- Matt will take Peter’s stuff and run with it
- “GoPro” -> “SoloGoPro”
UTC1144 -
- Should we log values between 1000 and 2000?
- Onboard logs for rcout message used for diagnostics
- “ is it between 1000 and 2000? Then digital”
- “Outside means PWM”
- “ is it between 1000 and 2000? Then digital”
- Should we be consistent?
- We log the actual output when the output is a PWM
- Oneshot / oneshot125 and normal PWM are all PWM
- Width of pulse is the data
- All the others are not PWM
- The output is not a pulse width
- So we standardise the range
- Dshot is not 0-1000
- It has some extra bits which make things more complex
- Zero throttle on dshot is actually something like 38
- Lower part of range is reserved
- High bit is also telemetry bit
- Can’t log this - the data is crazy!
- The output is not a pulse width
- Oneshot / oneshot125 and normal PWM are all PWM
- Log in same range as being sent to physical ESCs?
- Can’t really as the range is wide
- So normalize it for the digital ones?
- Change oneshot 125 to log before we divide by 8?
- Change servo-min and servo-max to be within the relevant range?
- Was logged post-scaling as this is an analogue pulse width
- Exact value can matter for some ESCs to initialise
- Probably past these issues now
- We used to round to an integer number of microseconds
- We don’t any more
- ChibiOS does 1/8th microsecond multiples
- Full range
- Rather than oneshot125 having 125 throttle levels
- Now we have full 125*8 values
- We don’t any more
- Exact value can matter for some ESCs to initialise
- Logging 0-100 would mean logging floats?
- Separate thing…
- Tridge tried to push 0-1 floats throughout the code
- This turned out to be tough
- Linking stuff to PWM on outputs that have nothing to do with PWM is not good
- Randy will make it log before division
- Must check aux and main outputs
UTC1151 -
- Fix waf --default-parameters
- Will need to come back to this when Matt is around
- Need to make sure traditional invocations still work
- Note that entire hwdef file is changed so you need to make a copy of the existing hwdef
- Tridge testing it
UTC1158 -
- Allow do-set-servo commands to affect sprayer etc
- Fixes regression
- But we do allow people to manually override when needed
- Michael’s PR made things more strict but broke things for people
- [11:01 AM] (Channel) Michael_duBreuil: the sprayer and do set servo is a race condition IIRC which is why I don’t like it at all
- Race condition where do-set-servo wins at the moment
- Sprayer runs output when the vehicle is flying and is being managed
- Correct way is to have mavlink messages
UTC0008 -
- Use object universally
- Rename flightmode to control_mode
- What should we call it?
- Autotrim_supported needed
- Peter to review once that is done
UTC0016 -
- Allows different instances to interact
- Single image comes up with a singlet xml file and start many ArduPilot instances
- Does it affect more than Scrimmage?
- Do_build_parameters only used in SCrimmage?
- Multicast options tested?
- libraries/SITL/examples/morse stuff
- Needs testing
UTC0024 -
- Root of problem is that it doesn’t abide by the wpnav_accel parameter
- Bill’s PR
- Out of mission, into mission the transition back in didn’t go well
- Initialises current wp speed
- Uses the acceleration parameter
- Wp speed parameter not always used
- Do-change-speed
- Leave mission, re-enter and you wouldn’t do the do-change-speed speed
- Do-change-speed
- [11:34 AM] To Weekly devcall: @Randy just to be clear - that behaviour is intended - you lose the DO_CHANGE_SPEED setting when transitioning out and back in again, right?
- yep
- Leonard to look at both
UTC0035 - Plane 4.0 release
- Bringing Plane and Copter releases back into sync
- Needs testing!
- Logs please!
UTC0037 -
- Copter
- 4.0.4rc4
- autotune fixes etc
- MAVFTP causes reboot on 4.0 and master
- Watchdog reset
- Happens most times
- Reset-to-defaults seems to be the key
- Doesn’t happen in SITL
- Randy can reproduce
- WDOG message required
- WDOG {TimeUS : 2998260, Task : -3, IErr : 0, IErrCnt : 0, MavMsg : 0, MavCmd : 0, SemLine : 0, FL : 100, FT : 3, FA : 1431655769, FP : 58, ICSR : 4196355}
- In thread because of the -3
- Thread priority 58
- IO priority thread
- Probably a nullptr dereference
- CUAVv5+
- Connection issues?
- Can’t reproduce so far…
- User has posted parameters from working/non-working setup
- Issues with landing gear retract stuff
- Blheli passthrough not working on CubeOrange
- PR in that fixes that
- Tridge wanted to test it a bit more
- Iamepete said it was fine
- Zigzag mode issues
- spin-up/spin-down not working appropriately
- takeoff/landing not handled correctly in zigzag mode
- Motors may stop
- Allow takeoff/land in zigzag
- spin-up/spin-down not working appropriately
- Eight regressions left to hammer out
UTC0046 -
- No updates for Rover
- Failsafe messages cleaned up
UTC0051 - vote results
- Matt and Andy for the devteam both passed
- Welcome!
- Please vote on the “paid positions” PR!
UTC0052 - Close