(Craig Elder)
December 23, 2017, 9:20am
Attendee count (max): 20
Modelling for RealFlight8
Fbx files
3DS max works well for 3D models
Importing from Solidworks works
Creating from scratch works
Very expensive
Free for educators/students
Tridge spent a lot of time on Blender and managed to get some stuff done
Pivots are problematic
KEX files are proprietary
Not sure if helis are easy or hard
Ask on knife-edge forums on how to create helicopters
Fbx import directly into RealFlight
Don’t need ancient version of 3ds-max any more
UTC23:08 Quick announcements
need a contribution of the month
No call on 2300 UTC Dec 25
Diminished call 2300 UTC Jan 1
Tuesday 2nd is partner’s meeting
UTC23:10 - copter and Randy
Leonard continues to poke away at new loiter
Making some additional changes to add another parameter to allow lean angle to be set when vehicle is not moving
Lean angle acceleration vs velocity
New flight mode changes have been made
Another PR for renaming the flight modes
Might re-order the Copter.h file
Like Rover.h
Tridge will get around to do Plane at some stage
[=#0000ff]amilcar_personal[/]: What about sub ??
[10:18 AM] To [=#0000ff]Weekly devcall[/]: I am planning on doing Sub
[10:18 AM] (Channel) [=#0000ff]amilcar_personal[/]: Nice
[10:18 AM] To [=#0000ff]Weekly devcall[/]: (need to ask Jacob first!
[10:18 AM] To [=#0000ff]Weekly devcall[/]: )
Apologies to people whose PRs break
Peter will help rebasing things that break
UTC23:19 - Rover and Randy
Many logging changes
No more CTUN message
THR+STER message instead which should give you everything you need
Inertialnav is being removed
Removed from a couple of libraries already
Object avoidance for Rover coming
90% reuse what Copter’s got
UTC23:22 - partners
a little behind on partner’s renewals
He’s getting to them!
8 have renewed
Most non-renewals don’t respond
The one feedback from non-renewal is because the partner left the industry
Rob’s partner payment
Should have come from GSoC?
No, payment is to project
Funding for individuals that go to mentor summit
Which Jaime did receive
No payment to individual mentors
Need to make sure the GSoC payments got made
Need visibility on SPI accounts!
Accounts tend to lag be a few months
We had $53,000 back in August
Should have gone up significantly since then thanks to our partners
Some donated more than the minimum - thanks very much!
We have voted to use money to get people down to the developer conference in February in Canberra
A very, very valuable thing
UTC23:35 - ::create call
Hard to reproduce
Autotest server reproduced it once
And Peter’s laptop is reliable on it
Peter’s initial diagnosis seems to be correct
Uninitialised values off the stack being copied into bss-variables
Tridge thinks it would affect STM32 as well
May or may not be getting away with it ATM
Tridge wants to discuss with Lucas
This stuff is supposed to help with static analysers
May need to do a large PR to revert the create stuff if we can’t nut out how to fix the problem
Large effort which got a lot of review
Didn’t understand the way ::create works
Not a compiler bug
Looks to just be flawed
We seem to be lucky usually that the stack is filled with zeroes
Not in copter release
Not in Plane release
In the pending Rover release
Not in Sub release
UTC23:35 - sounds for PX4
UTC00:05 - Votes / Bugmaster
Perceived conflict of interest
Funding committee should have handled the vote
Hindsight is 20/20
Do we actually have a funding committee?
Probably should have been tasked with creating the two votes rather than Francisco having to do it
Nudge on the funding committee to review proposals
Four members who nominated
Congratulations to Luis, Olivier, Pierre
Tridge has adjusted the mailing list membership
Now we have a funding committee
Nothing improper has been done here
It would just have been better to have someone else create the votes
There was a week were someone else could have stepped in and say someone else should have run the vote
(Channel) [=#0000ff]J[/]: I think the margin for the second part of the vote is too close to call. And we have at least one person against that did not vote
Should have had the vote open for the duration of the call
[11:22 AM] To [=#0000ff]Weekly devcall[/]: I didn’t raise the issue of the vote being closed because the results were in-line with what I would’ve voted for anyway.
The certainty to the ArduPilot project on outgoing expense is no way near as much of an issue as the change in income is to Francisco
We need to do better in future
And we’ve spent a lot of time on this devcall for this small
Randy to update Wiki
Votes should span a devcall
Funding committee to open funding votes
Votes should be on agenda for dev call
UTC00:30 - Resistors and compasses
Need a good description of the fix!
UTC00:30 - Acceleration on table
Two bare PH2.1 showing acceleration issues
[=#0000ff]Jacob[/]: could this be related to the create thing?
[11:32 AM] To [=#0000ff]Weekly devcall[/]: Notionally!
Tridge doubts it
EKF timing initialisation fix
This can actually be reliably reproduced on some machines
In since start of EKF2
Gyros-still-setting for a long time (maybe forever)
Roll and pitch oscillate
as in 180 degrees every few seconds
Tridge will get a log to look at
Someone else reports it doesn’t happen with EKF3
Similar in symptoms?
Should switch to EKF3 in master sometime…
UTC00:42 - Jani is working with Shenzhen manufacturers association now
One of our biggest user bases
Congrats Jani!undefined