Attendee count (max): 22
UTC1100 - Pre-Agenda
- European call went well
- Maybe 8 attendees
- CAN discussions
- OSD parameter system discussion
- Worked out a better approach for setting up the parameters
- Will continue to do the calls
- ~36 hours from now
UTC1102 -
- Avoid shot noise by slewing center frequency
- Typing issues
- Review comments left
- Need to show some logging that the slewing is effective
- Add a temporary graph to show that the slewed frequency does move smoothly
- Testing evidence
UTC1114 -
- Merged
- More space by excising Solo gimbal from most boards
UTC1118 -
- Leonard was very positive
- Filter was there so newer IMUs matched the older IMUs’s hardware filtering
- When using fast sampling
- This will affect existing aircraft
- The filter is followed up by a lot of other lower-frequency filters
- Probably won’t make a big difference
- This came in before fast-sampling
- 188 was the filter rate
- Tridge things this was probably a bad idea
- If close to the noise filter this could be a problem
- Probably just added phase lag
- Probably such a small effect flight tests aren’t going to be useful
UTC11122 -
- During normal fixed wing takeoff we turn off crosstracking so we go straight to first waypoint
- Weren’t doing this in normal quadplanes
- Would do some skewing; instance of plane doubling back
- So don’t cross-track after takeoff
- Moving platform takeoffs for Copter will also need something like this
- merged…
UTC1126 -
- Range constraints on input to function
- Some nasty integer wrap stuff in there
- Turning throttle failsafe
- When comparing radio input we should constrain to the ranges
- Clamp at lower range?
- Passthroughs stuff that
- Need this constraint in more places
UTC1136 -
- Templatified MIN/MAX are a pain
- Test 2 digit and 3 digit latitudes/longitudes
- Can be merged after testing
UTC1143 -
- Produce a few binaries to ensure no change
- Can be merged after that
UTC1149 -
- Want to see a graph
- Sas should start at zero, measured shouldn’t be
- Paul has some plans around this area
- Improve support for flying without airspeed sensor
- Initialise from stall speed of aircraft
- Peter to create a graph and ping tridge
UTC1151 -
- Need to make sure we’re using the right hash
- We’re not
- Tridge will comment
- ?
- Are we no longer compliant after these message field definition clarifications
- Merged it
- Surprised to see STATUSTEXT_LONG just disappear
- Ardupilot one rebased
UTC0006 -
- Remove defunct message
- Merged
- Bit of a shock it wasn’t used, really…
UTC0009 -
- Move to sq() rather than using powf
- isHeadingLinedup isn’t standard style
- Random soaring video:
- Can be merged after the sq() changes
- Why not a flight mode?
- This is kind of like avoidance
- Lift is the trigger rather than object avoidance
- Stack of modes?
- So once you’re done thermalling you pop back out of it
- Copter just initialises everything as you enter a mode…
- Path-planning
- two-item stack
- Original destination and oa destination
- Soaring is ground avoidance?!
- Some pitfalls where not setting parameters appropriately
- Could be mitigated by having separate mode
- Soaring a LUA script?
- Heuristic logic could be coded nicely in LUA?
UTC0024 -
- Last time there was only one issue - remove the is-flying check
- Special-cased for tradheli
- Collective rather than throttle for tradheli?
- Bill said to do it this way…
- MdB’s requested changes have been done
- Merged!
UTC0026 -
- Add airmode rc options
- Want to be sure it doesn’t impact modes where it shouldn’t make a difference
- The accessors should show that’s the case
- qhover/qloiter etc shouldn’t be affected
- At all times when using vtol mode but airmode is enabled we shouldn’t do airmode except in specific modes
- How about qassist in fbwa?
- Throttle suppression on the ground
- Finger-chopping avoidance mode
- Need testing report on real vehicle
- Need to know throttle suppression
- Zero-throttle should kill motors in fbwa etc etc
- Until throttle suppression goes away
- What would an adequate test be?
- Henry will do independent tests
- qHover on ground when this is active will cause it to try to stabilise?
- That’s unexpected
- Doesn’t make sense to do stuff in qhover as it’s a height-control not throttle-control
- Needs to be tested
- Difficult to autotest as you need disturbances to trigger stabilisation stuff
- Spin-arm to spin-min will show when airmode turns on
- Use AHRS-trim-X to roll it over a little
- Fbwa + some throttle + qassist = flight
- If Henry comes back and says all good we can merge this one
UTC0038 -
- Returning -1 in mavlink means QGC will stop whinging about low battery
- That’s the way it is defined in mavlink
- Initialise battery_pct and guarantee that the passed-in parameter isn’t modified if false is returned in a comment
UTC0053 -
- Message received telling them where vehicle is received
- It’s a good idea
- LOCAL_POSITION not used by plane much
- Plane isn’t consuming the frame on the equivalent input
- Outstanding for a couple of years
- Might be affected by Planck with precision landing
- Single origin for the entire vehicle sounds like a good idea
- Complicated by EK10 changes?
- Probably not, it was a bugfix
- GPS glitches?
- If we aren’t armed then DCM shouldn’t set an origin
- Don’t be too eager!
- GPS units can be overconfident
- Complicated by EK10 changes?
- Deferring until we can get input from MdB
UTC0104 -
- Has probably conflicted with previous change
- Merging going on
UTC0104 -
- Analogue RSSI pin not working on CubeOrange in the beta
- Not sure it was ever working
- Not a lot of testers for 4.0.6 beta
- Important fixes pending for a long time
UTC0113 - Copter-4.0.4-rc3 available for beta testing
- Some reports not total investigated yet
- DJI OSD stuff not in master
- Rangefinder / guided mode
- HMC compass missing
- Possible HW issue
- Has the new compass stuff in MP been put into a release yet?
- No, only in beta ATM
- Needs to go out before new compass stuff can work properly
- We lose the compass_primary parameter and you must use the PRI IDs instead
- QGC might get some interface…
- No blockers so far
- Maybe another week
- Safety fix for Heli needs to be included
- Randy will get Henry some bullet points for Wiki documentation to tell users how to reprioritise their compasses if they don’t have a fancy interface on their GCS
UTC0120 -
- There’s a PR to improve pivot steering
UTC0121 - GSoC
- PH has been working on other bits and pieces
- Kharshit changes need a bit more work, tridge has been flying
- Rishadh has a big PR about to go in which adds ability to back away from objects in Copter and Rover
UTC0125 - i2c in SITL
- Peter needs to work out why the MS56xx thingy is whinging
UTC0121 - sbuf stuff in msp PR
- Peter and Tridge will discuss
UTC0131 - close