Thank you to Peter barker for very detailed notes on the meeting.
InvenSense black-box investigations - just how do they work?
Tridge has worked this out with a suggestion from Leonard
- 950Hz tone allowed tridge to work out their internal processing
Beat frequency at 50Hz (delta of 1kHz and 950Hz) shows that sampling is happening at 1kHz
This new code also shows a beat up higher, meaning we really are sampling at 4kHz
Filters have eliminated the lower beats
Shows the high-rate sampling is really going to help avoid problems caused by 500Hz-1kHz vibration
MPU6000 bug fixed this-morning
SPI bus is VERY busy on stm32
24 samples every 2.5ms
Linux boards use i2c, so don’t have the same issue (i2c is asynchronous for the CPU)
Tridge is looking at using DMA for SPI on stm32
Setup cost is high
Hundreds of bytes/transfer (for FIFO transfers) might make it worthwhile
We already use DMA for SD card, UARTs, but not for SPI transfers
New filtering strategy for high-rate sampling
(insert link from agenda here)
There’s been a shift of where we do SPI transfers on stm32
Used to be IO thread
In thread-per-bus this is done separately
No DMA on stm32 we don’t have multiple cores
Main thread would get interrupted by IO/thread-per-bus thread, then you would see 800us spike in routine you wouldn’t see most times (e.g. in mavlink routine)
Now we do an explicit (possible) 800us transfer as part of the main loop
Ensures we are always working with the latest data, too!
Less timing jitter
Way fewer timing overruns
Single-blind of fast-sensor sampling, comment from pilot was “chalk and cheese”
Factor of 20 reduction in low-frequency aliasing
But not on PixHawk one ATM (slow sensors)
MPU6000 does do 8kHz gyros, but should we use that fact?
Paul says probably, especially if there’s a blade passage frequency or motor fundamental at relevant frequencies
All about beats at the control frequencies
There are hardware bugs in the FIFO
Anything more than 30 samples and you get corrupted (even though it should hold 50 or 60…)
Julien had a workaround; he would flush the FIFO when it got too full!
The reset as it was could cause corruption (race condition if it was adding a sample when you were resetting)
Gyros would get interpreted as accels and vice-versa!
Would use temperature as a pseudo-canary…
We now use a three-step process to reset the FIFO
Set to use FIFO, but no data to be entered
Reset FIFO
Enable gyros, accels and temperature into FIFO
Fast sensors with LSM sensors
Tridge talking with ST about hardware bug in lsm303d
Progress with ST engineers, they’re trying to reproduce
Probably going to be more weird register settings….
Luis: How long ‘til we don’t need PX4Firmware tree?
Switchable for the sensors (defaults to in-tree)
px4io layer
Aim is to make it fly better, not to remove PX4Firmware
And to share drivers with Linux
CANBUS is probably a good next target
Px4io is a mess and would be really good to fix up
CANBUS F3-based boards!
Where should he send these dev boards for people to work on?
Tridge is planning on shifting Zubax GPS to new CANBUS framework
Question as to whether the protocol is a problem, or the current software
Tridge thinks it is the current software, and thinks Pavel has done a good job on the specs
Software needs simplifying
Best PC CANBUS thing to get:
Contact Ben, he has a lot
USBtin was recommended, but there’s apparently something better
USBbabel nobody has tried (was recommended for remote CAN stuff)
Tridge has been doing SRXL dev remotely, and thinks doing the same for CAN should be as straight-forward using this device
Philip says unreliable compared to Ben’s