Detail of Flight log

Does any one having a detail documentation of flight log. As there are many more things which are not updated yet like the units and scaling of voltage in CURR flight log and many more. Explanation most of many parameters are missing. IIf anyone having it,please share it so that i can do a detail analysis of flight log.

I assume you mean beyond all of the hundreds of descriptions on this page?

ya there are many missing things and many mistakes in units. One more point i want to know that is it possible to get the current and voltage of each motor during fight using flight log.

ya there are many missing things and many mistakes in units. One more point

Such as?

If you spot them, correct them and PR the result? :slight_smile:

i want to know that is it possible to get the current and voltage of each
motor during fight using flight log.

It’s coming - assuming you have d-shot capable ESCs.