Defining Software Serial ports on OmniBus F3 V3 SD


Previously I was using iNav and could easily define software serial ports as required (eg for a BT module, light weight telemetry, etc).

I have just started using Ardupilot and cant see a way to define software serial ports. Any help greatly appreciated!

Some info:
Using firmware ArduPlane 4.0.6 beta the parameter BED-ALT_CONFIG is available (its not there on 4.0.5). I have set this to 3.

Serial 1 is set to 9,0,25 (LWT @ 9600). So that’s UART1 (using Tx1 on the board)
UART3 pins are being used for compass I2C - can this be moved to free up UART3?
Serial 3 is set to 115,0,15 (GPS@115200). That’s UART6 (using Tx6/Rx6 on the board)
Serial 4 is set to 57,0,1 (Mavlink@57600).

I think serial 4 should be PWM pins 5 and 6, and I should be able to connect the BT module here? How can I check or define the pins for serial 4?

Thank you

which firmware have you flashed? please give me a link on it directly, I have omnibus f3 too but there is no target for it. (I cant find any) than i can help you with mapping ports & pins

I used this firmware file on the OmniBus F4 V3 SD (sorry, don’t have the original link to the ArduPilot website):

It is ArduPlane version 4.0.7. Once it is flashed (with BL), you can of course change / upgrade to any version very easily within MP.

Can be a bit tricky to flash. Just keep trying, eventually it will work! There are several ways of doing this, but I have found using the SMT32 Cube Programmer the easiest: