i am trying to setup ddfp of my hobby heli where iam facing issue on pwm trim and max.
tail motor is connected on pixawk channel 4 and servox_function is assigned to motor 4 as well & H_tail_type is set to 3 ddfp (cw).
my pwm range is set to min =1100 max=1900 trim is 1390.
after the motor interlock enable tail motor pwm is going to max instead of going to trim value which is causing the heli to rotate very fast and weird and autopilot is not countering the tail motor speed .
Channel is not reversed i’ve checked with reverse & normal ,the issue i am facing is autopilot not countering the yaw .if i m giving continuous yaw cmd using tx heli is hovering but if i left its started rotating & servo 4 trim should be in the range which is required for hover right for ex:1390pwm ? this trim is also not followed by pixawk .after motor interlock enable tail motor is reaching max pwm which is 2000.
Can you set post a log of the behaviour please. I can take a look.
If you do not have a log available, you do not need to fly the aircraft. Take rotors and blades off and just run through the normal arming procedure. Let the aircraft run up to speed, then disarm and post the log here.