Dataflash Viewing Error

I tried viewing a dataflash log from a brief flight this evening and I got this error:

Error execing:insert or replace into ‘IMU’ (idx,TimeMS,GyrX,GyrY,GyrZ,AccX,AccY,AccZ) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?); error was Parameter count mismatch

Im using 2.0.7 on OSX with 10.8. I’ve attached the log I had trouble with, any suggestions?

I’m getting a similar error (on IMU2):

Error execing:insert or replace into 'IMU2' (idx,TimeMS,GyrX,GyrY,GyrZ,AccX,AccY,AccZ) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?); error was Parameter count mismatch

I’m using APM 2.0.7 on Mac OS X 10.9.

I am getting the same type of error. APM 2.0.7, Mac OSX 10.9.2. Screenshot of error attached.

hi there,
I’m using a mac and can’t read catalog too!

any ideas?


It looks like these logs are corrupt. The larger log from the first post loads in MissionPlanner, but when I try to view IMU, it starts giving me errors. I’ve added error detection to AP2 so it should throw more informative errors in situations like this such as “This log file appears to be corrupt”. This should be in the next daily build.

More importantly, why is the log file corrupt? Did you use AP2 or MissionPlanner to download these log files, and were they downloaded over mavlink or over terminal mode?

hi there malcom, i am connecting to apm 2.6 via USB them connecting with Terminal within 15seconds.
then downloading logs with MP 2.0.7 on a macbook pro 10.7.5 osx.

if i copy to memory stick i can view logs on windows XP with old MP.
hope this makes it clear

That log file has 4 lines that are incorrectly formatted. MissionPlanner shows the same thing in its debug output, it just ignores the invalid lines. The new changes that I’ve implemented will be able to load a file, it will just ignore corrupt or wrongly formatted lines.

The latest with this change is available here: … 014-03-20/

Sorry I neglected this thread. The latest version of APM Planner does warn me about problems but doesn’t answer why the dataflash log was currupt to begin with. I haven’t had a chance to fly since I posted this but maybe tomorrow I can get in the air before it rains. Hopefully I won’t end up with another corrupt log.