Dataflash log, incorrect files

I download a log after a flight using Mission Planner->Dataflash logs->Download Dataflash Log via Mavlink.
For instance, I just selected the last flight and I got these files:
2014-12-24 12-23-50.bin
2014-12-24 12-23-50.kmz
2014-12-24 12-23-50.log
2014-12-24 12-23-50.log.gpx
2014-12-24 12-23-50.log.xml

however, I get other extensions for some flights. For instance, I just selected the last last flight, and I got these files:
2014-12-24 16-26-01 129.bin
2014-12-24 16-26-01 129.bin.kmz
2014-12-24 16-26-01 129.bin.log
2014-12-24 16-26-01 129.bin.log.gpx

so, I get .bin.log instead of .log,
and the files do not contain valid information.

I’ve tested by downloading both from MAVLink and USB, and from two different arducopters.

what can be the problem?

Generally only the .bin logs are used for mission analysis by the MP.

.bin are binary log files
.log are ascci log files

.kml is a goole earth file
.gpx is a GPS Exchange Format
.xml is the results of running log analyser