Data Flash Logs Not opening: Says FMT missing


I’ve been trying to see my AR logs in Mission Planner from past few days and I’ve almost tried each and every setting familiar to me to set it up correctly. But there’s this thing, each time I fetch logs from pixhawk and tries to log it in the Mission Planner, it says FMT is missing.

  1. I tried changing Log sequence after arming and till disarming too:
  2. Increased the buffer size
  3. Also tweaked with AP_LoggerBackend Storage Type: FILE only, block only and all other possibilities.

LOG_FILE_DSRMROT 1 0:Disabled 1:Enabled When set, the current log file is closed when the vehicle is disarmed. If LOG_DISARMED is set then a fresh log will be opened.

LOG_FILE_BUFSIZE 127 The AP_Logger_File backend uses a buffer to store data before writing to the block device. Raising this value may reduce "gaps" in your SD card logging. This buffer size may be reduced depending on available memory. PixHawk requires at least 4 kilobytes. Maximum value available here is 64 kilobytes.

Please help me with this issue.

Please Fetch the logs from here:


Can you provide a sample log, please?

Hi Peter,

Thanks for your reply and please retrieve this link to the logs : LOGS_AR_MISSION_PLANNER

Thanks for your reply and please retrieve this link to the logs : LOGS_AR_MISSION_PLANNER

So the .bin there is essentially empty; it’s a whole bunch of 0xff with a
little bit of something else at the end.

Which autopilot hardware are you using here?

Which specific version of APMrover2?

If the autopilot stores on SD card - have you tried a different SD card?


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April 2 Can you provide a sample log, please?

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Peter Barker | Programmer,Sysadmin,Geek. | You need a bigger hammer.
:: It’s a hack! Expect underscores! - Nigel Williams

Hi Peter,

I’m using Mission Planner version: 1.3.63 with ArduRover version 3.4.2 and previously it used to log and in fact I’ve used it before with the same SD Card. But I stopped using it from a while because I was into tuning and version upgrade an similar parameters related stuff.