Cygwin Build and Firmware failure.

Hello all., I added a PID control option instead of P control on angle control of attitude loop. After editing i committed in the GitHub and tried to build cygwin. In the github all other test were succesfuuly ran except “test scripts / build (check_autotest_options) (push) " and “cygwin build”. The test script error message is. " git config --global --add /__w/ardupilotNEW/ardupilotNEW
Error: Process completed with exit code 128.”.
The cygwin error message is " Waf: Entering directory `/cygdrive/d/a/ardupilotNEW/ardupilotNEW/build/sitl’

Command [‘/usr/bin/git’, ‘rev-parse’, ‘–short=8’, ‘HEAD’] returned 128

Embedding file locations.txt:Tools/autotest/locations.txt

Embedding file models/Callisto.json:Tools/autotest/models/Callisto.json

Embedding file models/freestyle.json:Tools/autotest/models/freestyle.json

Embedding file models/plane-3d.parm:Tools/autotest/models/plane-3d.parm

Embedding file models/plane.parm:Tools/autotest/models/plane.parm

Embedding file models/xplane_heli.json:Tools/autotest/models/xplane_heli.json

Embedding file models/xplane_plane.json:Tools/autotest/models/xplane_plane.json

Error: Process completed with exit code 1. .

Also i tried to build the firmware. In that AHRS is not working .

Kindly help me to over come the issue


Did you try to build the code for a simple SITL run? What error message do you get there?

Hi Georacer!
Yes I tried sitl execution with the following commands.
./waf configure --board sitl --debug plane
./waf configure --board sitl --debug copter. Likewise all other sub, rover also i tried. All were finished runing sitl. No error message popup. Later I committed in the github and in github cygwin workflow and test scripts workflow are failing. Please do a favour to rectify the issue.

I’ve noticed myself a few weeks back that the cygwin action was failing: Custom firmware for RealFlight and Mission planner doesn't work as per instructions · Issue #27197 · ArduPilot/ardupilot · GitHub

Until it’s fixed, perhaps you can roll back to 4.5.2, apply your patches there and build?

Thanks for the reply. I tried to fork the plane-4.5.2 version . For that I have selected tags under master, then opted the version. Later forked it. But, in my repository, latest master content is available. Can you help me how can i fork the specific version correctly.

Usually when you fork via Github, it asks you to import only the master branch or all of them. You probably missed that step.

But the way I would do it would be to clone my fork locally, add the Ardupilot repository as an “upstream” remote and checkout the 4.5.2 release tag from there.

Thank you. This helped me. Also, I have few more doubts that can i commit on git after modification to generate cygwin file? Also, can i clone submodules of git to run the locally cloned 4.5.2 version.

Also, I have few more doubts that can i commit on git after modification to generate cygwin file?

I’m not sure I understand the question.

Also, can i clone submodules of git to run the locally cloned 4.5.2 version.

Yes, this is pretty basic git usage. Look up git submodule update --init --recursive.

Thank you. I will follow the basic git usage.