Just save that as a param file and it will be applied on top of what already there. If you use the compare function it will show you what will change before applying the changes.
‘Reset To defaults’ triggers a format of the EEPROM, then values are returned to the default values as burned into the FW. There’s no ‘deeper’ format of parameters
Normal compass calibration data is saved, whatever you see in the Full Parameter list is saved. You might just be experiencing the fact new FW has some renaming of params so not showing up when you load them.
Ok, Im thinking of the COMPASS_OFS"X" values, that are all 0… ( see my initial post) and APM software still throws a warning about compass not calibrated.
Yep, you have to have real offset values. ArduCopter is throwing the error, and APM Planner is reporting it… You’ll need all compasses calibrated unless you disable the arming check.
I see what the issue is. When the compass calibration finishes in APM Planner 2.0. I sends a MAVLink message to set the compass offsets. What doesn’t happen is that the parameters are re-requested from the autopilot. If you save the parameters at this point without clicking ‘Refresh’ in the Full Parameter view the offsets will be saved at zero.
I’ll add some code to auto request the params from the autopilot. The workaround is to click ‘refresh’ before saving params.
(It looks like this problem started when we moved to using the MAVLink message to set compass params, instead of setting them directly in older versions)
Hang on, is this the same parameter blanking issue I’ve just discovered in another, more visible part of APM software? “Refresh” don’ work there though…