Customising the Linux version of Ardupilot for different Linux hardwares(Microblaze)

I am doing my Master thesis related to hardware redundancy in drones. I wanted to run Ardupilot on top of Linux platform. The need is wanted to run the Linux on a Arm processor embedded with a Xilinx ZYNQ -Arm cortex A9 processor and route the signals out through FPGA. (Fortunately this is done by Aerotenna and I am adapting their technique ). Now I need to create a soft core processor, Micoblaze in the FPGA and load Linux (Petalinux) operating system on top of that and run the Ardupilot on it. As far as my understanding, I need to change the HAL parameters, in order to assign the GPIO pins, which can take radio & sensor signals in as well as providing PWM signals out for the ESC’s.

My question is how can I do this ? Is it fairly easy process or is it require immense effort, time and C++ experience ?
I hope I conveyed a clear overview of what I wish to do. Looking forward to hear the comments and hope I will get a help from the community.:slight_smile:

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Hello, I am going to do the same thing you said a abrove now. So do you have any idea about this task? I would like to read the code of HAL first and try to modified it. How about you?