Custom QGC Build

Hi everyone, I am currently looking at making a custom QGroundControl build however I am not getting off to a very good start. The normal program builds fine. I then cleaned the build directory, renamed custom-example to custom and ran the updateqrc python however when I went to build there were several missing files that I had to copy from another version, I also had to comment out some rangefinder code.

Now the application builds but fails to run with the following errors.

Unable to open file ':json/RemoteID.SettingsGroup.json
Unable to open file ':json/Vehicle/LocalPositionFact.json
Unable to open file ':json/Vehicle/LocalPositionSetpointFact.json

Is there anyone that would be able to help?

Thanks in advance

hi tom smith, did you resolve the error? as im too getting the same error. can you tell me how did you solve the error

Hi, I think the problem is that they haven’t updated the custom example to work with the newer software. In the end I just edited the main program. The QML is well written and quite easy to edit.