Custom Messages working on SITL, but not on Hardware

I want to send and receive a custom message via mavlink telemetry link. I defined the message definition in the ardupilotmega.xml file, added a handler in GCS_Mavlink.cpp, and ran a few tests in SITL. I was able to send the message via pymavlink using the following code:

master = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udp:')
                Packet = f"{packet_num}".encode(),
                Data = msg.encode(),

Also, I was able to read this message on a remote system using the following code:

master = mavutil.mavlink_connection('udp:')
msg = master.recv_msg()
        if msg:
            msg = msg.to_dict()
            # print(msg)
            if msg["mavpackettype"] == "
                print("Packet Found!")

Then I compiled the code for CubeOrange using:

./waf configure --board CubeOrange


./waf copter

Then uploaded the firmware to the board and tested the same. The message is not being received by the remote system. Even it stopped working in SITL ;(

I checked the GCM_Mavlink library in the build>CubeOrange>libraries directory, it contains the message deffinintions (mavlink_message_thumbnail.h) file as well.

Any help would be appreciated.

For additional info:

Changes in ardupilotmega.xml file:

Changes in …/ArduCopter/GCS_Mavlink.h:

Changes in …/ArduCopter/GCS_Mavlink.cpp:

are you open udp port on your board?
if you have error please take screenshot

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The issue was resolved.
The problem was that occasionally pymavlink used MAVLINK1 instead of MAVLINK2. And as this message was defined for MAVLINK2, it did not worked. I added the check to use MAVLINK2 only, and now it works.

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