Custom firmware development

Hi everyone,

I´m developing a new robot in my phd and I would like to use Ardupilot or Pixhawk as autopilot, I know I can develop a custom firmware for my robot but I would like to understand how to evaluate in terms of processing capabilities if my firmaware is not to heavy.

I would need to input external sensor to the kalman filter and so completely develop a new kalman and other critical aspects around the project that make me think that I need a way to evaluate if the autopilot is powerfull enough as to run my custom firmware!

Could some one tell me how to aproach to this matter?

Thanks for your time and attention

This is a very complex question. Are you modifying ArduPilot or starting from scratch?

I produced a draft from ardurover firmware and from them filling up with my own code.

I produced a draft from ardurover firmware and from them filling up with my
own code.

Well, a very rough idea of whether the autopilot can handle it is to
monitor the scheduler debug output. You can enable that by setting
the parameter SCHED_DEBUG to 1

Thanks for this is info I will work around this option and let you know what i get!

Thanks for the fast answer!

As far as making a new Kalman filter, look how we switch between EKF2 and EKF3 and you’ll see there’ a clean cut on a different class - just implement the virtuals and you’re set