Custom button in the Action tab in Mission planner


I am looking to add a custom button to the actions tab that does the servo/relay tab 5 button function.


I have used c/c++ but not c#. To do this would I need to alter or create an cs file similar to the example-watchbutton.cs created in C:\Program Files (x86)\Mission Planner\plugins?

Any help would be appreciated!

thank you,

Hi !
You can add buttons to the action tab from a plugin like this

    MainV2.instance.BeginInvoke((MethodInvoker)(() =>
    TableLayoutPanel actionLayout = Host.MainForm.FlightData.Controls.Find("tableLayoutPanel1", true).FirstOrDefault() as TableLayoutPanel;

    MyButton btn1 = new MyButton();
    btn1.Text = "Button1";
    actionLayout.Controls.Add(btn1, 0, 4);


There are three free spaces in the layout in Raw 4, column 0-2
Then set servo value by

_ = MainV2.comPort.doCommand((byte)MainV2.comPort.sysidcurrent, (byte)MainV2.comPort.compidcurrent, MAVLink.MAV_CMD.DO_SET_SERVO, servoID, servoValue, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

Thank you Andras for the response and the code! Sadly, I am struggling on how to implement the code(I’m new to c#) Looking at the example-watchbutton.cs below where would I add the code? I would assume that I would remove the private void MavOnOnPacketReceivedHandler() and the code in loaded() as well

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using MissionPlanner.Utilities;
using System.IO;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Diagnostics;
using MissionPlanner;

namespace Shortcuts
    public class ButtonPlugin : MissionPlanner.Plugin.Plugin
        public override string Name
            get { return "Button change"; }

        public override string Version
            get { return "0.1"; }

        public override string Author
            get { return "EOSBandi"; }

        public override bool Init()
            return true;

        public override bool Loaded()
            Host.comPort.OnPacketReceived += MavOnOnPacketReceivedHandler;
            return true;

        public override bool Loop()
            return true;

        public override bool Exit()
            return true;

        private void MavOnOnPacketReceivedHandler(object o, MAVLink.MAVLinkMessage linkMessage)
            if ((MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID) linkMessage.msgid == MAVLink.MAVLINK_MSG_ID.BUTTON_CHANGE)
                //Button change message received
                //Check and display message
                Console.WriteLine("BUTTON CHANGE message received");

thank you,

Jon Peyron

Hi Andras,

We wanted to thank you for the code and the assistance. Someone with much more c# experience helped with getting the plugin to work.

thank you,

Jon Peyron

Hi Andras,

How would i go about adding a button to change the servo function from disabled to RCPass thru?

Hi Jon and Andras
I want to add one or two buttons for engine start and stop to the actions tab, but have never worked with C# - would you mind sharing your working button plugin or pointing me to an example for a button plugin?

It is all in the thread above.
If you never tried C#, I’m afraid that writing mission planner plugins are not the best way to start :frowning: