Current not logged or displayed - CubePilot Mini Power Brick - Orange Cube

I’m working through the setup of my first fixed wing.

I’m using an Orange Cube and a CubePilot Mini Power Brick.

I’ve set the related battery/monitor parameters the same as other quad-copters I have using the Mini Power Brick.

But for some reason, I’m not getting a current value on the telemetry or BIN.

I haven’t looked too deep at the ArduPlane wiki yet - so perhaps I’m just missing something simple that Plane requires.

If it’s not too much trouble - perhaps someone could take a look at this log from a bench test. I’m logging while disarmed. I armed, ran the throttle up for a few seconds, then disarmed.


I finally resolved this problem - and reported it here: BATT_AMP_OFFSET=-0.007 - not set automatically on Plane