Cube Orange Relay Voltage

So I have been reading post here and in cube pilot but one post says one cube orange relay output is 3.3v while other says it can be 3.3v and 5v and another says it’s only 5v, depends on the value of a parameters but the post doesn’t tell the parameter, other post just talks about BRD_PWM_VOLT_SEL but doesn’t outright says it is the one used for the relay.

So I am creating this post to have a direct confirmation for a few questions:

  1. What is/are the voltage(s) for relay output for the cube orange?
  2. If the option for choosing a voltage available, what is the parameter that controls it?
  3. Do I need a specific version of the arducopter firmware to manipulate the voltage of the relay, if that option is possible?
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On the Cube Orange that parameter will change the PWM level and the Relay output level to 5V on the main outputs only. The AUX outputs will be at 3.3V regardless.