Cube did not respond after the crash


I recently had a crash while I was flying a hexa. After the crash, I repaired it and wanted to test it again. I tried to power up the copter, but cube did not respond. After another attempt, the cube powered up and had weird initialization sounds from the GPS. But with connecting with the laptop (external wire), the cube got powered. First, I thought there was an issue with mauch sensor. After some time, I started with Accel calibration using the same cube orange +, but every time the calibration failed in between. After several attempts, it worked. Is the issue related to the heater temp low (x < 45)? Pre-arm message?

It might be useful to see the .bin flight log from the crash flight. If you have it post a link to it.

But the IMU heater message should not prevent an accel calibration.

If such problems start after a crash it is mostly a defect of a wiring or a module.
So if the FC only powers up if connected to the PC via USB than the normal power line has a problem.
You can check if you make a new wiring just from a stable power source to the normal powr connector and check what happening

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