I’ve got an older Parameter-File that I’ve saved before starting with the MC. How can I load this onto FC? After all, I had it done by QgroundContol using “reset to default” and then loading the saved Parameter File with Mission Planner. But some parameters missed!
The only way: Upload rover-SW, upload arducopter V4-5-5, upload my saved parameter-file. Then I’ve restart the FC and save the parameters to a file. A copy of all parameters to my Excel-File (it contains all parameter sets from previous configurations), a comparison with the last saved parameters shows some differences. These old parameters values have I uploaded to the FC. Now, everything is fine!? A test flight will show whether or not the Copter is ok. What a mess after all.
Just upload the old backup file using Mission planer, mavproxy or QGC to the FC.
The missing parameter are the ones that are disabled.
I’ve uploaded the old Parameter File.
But the GPS doesn’t work since my 1. posting. Should i open a new topic?
Yes, please do, it has nothing to do with the ArduPilot methodic configurator.