Cube Black and MethodicConfigurator (MC), Part 1

Hello Community

I had a well flying Quadcopter (Arducopter V 4.5.5), before I’m going to the Configuration with the Methodic Config-SW as advised.
The first bug I found is in the 08_batt1.param File. My Lipo has 4S and the BATT_ARM_VOLT was set to 14,7V. The MC would like to change it to 15,7V?!! So the Copter will never arm; but I didn’t upload these Parameter-Set.


What battery voltages did you configure in the component editor window?

The vehicle will arm fine if the battery is charged. That is the reason for the failsafe, to prevent taking off with an half depleted battery.

There is a “Upload” checkbox on very parameter, you can deselect the parameter(s) that you do not want to upload, and still upload the rest of dataset.

Why are you using 0.8.9 when 0.9.3 is available?

I send you the vehicle_components-file, all Info’s in there
vehicle_components.txt (5.9 KB)

LiPo is 4S1P.

Solving the trouble with the Virus-Defender; my version is now 0.9.3

The vehicle will arm fine if the battery is charged. That is the reason for the arm-preventing failsafe, to prevent taking off with an half depleted battery.

I know it! I always lift off with fully charged LiPo (16.8V).The value of 14.7V is only for testing the copter and some very short flights.

Now you know how to de-tick the “upload” checkbox