CUAV Core X7 and NORA experience

This may be a good thread to keep an eye on. @mlebret commented on my thread from earlier. I have two Nora’s I’m currently working with and have discovered one issue posted below:

The Nora and the X7 are essentially the same just different shape. the X7 Pro is also similar but has a much higher end Analog Systems IMU.

If I notice anything else along the way I will post my findings here as well. I have one Nora up and running on an old 3DR X8 platform, its configured with:

Copter 4.0.4 BETA (I noticed CUAV claims Copter 4.0.3 as fist supported version but this is incorrect.)
PX4Flow using Garmin V3
Two additional Garmin V3 Lidars for Simple Object Avoidance

I’ve jumped between Flow and GPS with good results.

I also have the Here+ RTK GPS and will be experimenting with it next.
