CTUN.ThO goes to zero, 4.5.2

What could be the cause that the thrust hover learn did not kick in and the CTUN.ThO goes to zero? Mid-throttle, the drone is still climbing.

While Alt Hold is rarely a problem unless the aircraft has a very low hover throttle. Have I stepped into this territory?

MOT_HOVER_LEARN is set to 2.
Arducopter 4.5.2, 4S Hexacopter with CubeOrange
Herelink RC, Alt-hold flight mode
Racestar 2216 KV1400 Motor + 0945 propeller
Previous Skywalker 50A ESC and calibrated and using the factory settings.

The vibrations are well within the limit before the drone crashes into the cage enclosure ceiling net.
The Harmonic Notch filter is enabled and noise is low.

log file

It will not learn a value below 0.125 so set MOT_THST_HOVER manually from reviewing Ctun>Tho in the log during a hover event. Hard to say with this log but try 0.08 and disable learning.

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