Critical PreArm: UAVCAN: Duplicate Node 125

I’m receiving a ‘Critical PreArm: UAVCAN: Duplicate Node 125’ warning from my Ground Control Station. This indicates there are two nodes with the same ID on my UAVCAN network. Could you advise on how to resolve this issue and ensure each node on the network has a unique ID?"

Hello @DHANJEET_YADAV welcome to the community.

  1. Connect just one CAN device.
  2. Change it’s ID from 125 to 124 or 126
  3. Re-Connect the second CAN device.
  4. Reboot the FC
  5. Make sure both devices appear


This can sometimes happen because an older CAN device was allocated ID 125 in AP’s mini CAN DNS server. If this is the cause then it can be easily fixed by setting CAN_D1_UC_OPTION = 1 and then reboot the autopilot.

Just for future reference, this error is mentioned on our pre-arm safety check wiki page.