I have been flying my quad for a couple of years with a lot of successful missions. The ‘Good’ log is an example of one about the 2.91 era. It flew with great precision straight down the street and was close to perfect.
I recently upgraded my APM 2.0 to a APM 2.6 with external gps/compass. I loaded 3.1 and did all the calibrations. I then ran autotune, and it now flies better than it ever has in 2 Years!!
Stab mode flawless, loiter does not move a bit, alt hold is perfect, very responsive and nice to fly.
So I loaded that mission thinking it would be flawless, but not so much. The ‘Bad’ shows it making a wild large circle in the area of the fourth waypoint, and a very poor track to each waypoint. I was sweating bullets because of the wild waypoint misses but hung in as it sloppily completed the mission. It the looked like it was getting ready for rtl but headed right into a tree and fell in the grass. It had one motor spinning and could not be disarmed so I killed power. Putting the kml file in Google Earth shows how poorly this one went. I have run this a lot in the past and you can overlay the files with virtually no variation.
Luckily there was no damage. I powered it up again and it flew perfectly, but I am a little mission shy now.
Any ideas what happened??
they had a low volts. they look at the picture.
Thanks! Turns out my compass calibration was sloppy, I recalibrated and it runs missions perfectly.
The second problem now makes sense - when the copter got tangled in the tree, the voltage took a hit crashing the APM and making it unresponsive. I am thinking a supercap on my BEC will keep apm up if this happen again.