I added a sonar module and things seemed to be working great… then I had a test flight where it suddenly just dropped out of the sky, since then things just seem unstable when in alt hold, I am wondering i there is to much sonar noise… attached is the log of the flight
I added some vibration dampening around the sonar and put it in a shield to protect it from the prop wash.
Things seemed to be going great for a while, but after a few minutes of flying it alt hold it flipped over and crashed. I am still learning how to read the logs so any help would be appreciated in determining where to look for the failure. I have attached the log of the most recent flight attempt
could it be my old battery having the voltage drop too low? it looks like it may be dropping off at the end of the flight… the battery tests ok on the charger and balances fine… I could be reading the log wrong… its a 3s 5000 so it should be good for much longer than I was flying.
Went out again today similar problems… tried updating the firmware and found my regulator was running at 5v instead of 3.3 like it should… I have ordered a new regulator to change it out. Do you think this could cause a loss of gyro in the older firmware and be the cause of my problem?