Crashed Landing: Potential Thrust Loss

I just tested my 600 helicopter today and it all went well in stabalise mode until it crash landed during alt hold.

The aim of today’s flight is to get closer to autonomous flight. The plan to get there involves flying stabalise, then althold, loiter and finally auto.

While testing today, the stabalise mode worked perfectly. When we switched to alt hold mode, it worked well most of the time until we started to descend with alt hold. The heli motor just stopped mid flight at around 30m altitude and dropped all the way down to the gound. It was a pretty bad crash.

The pilot notified us that during this crash, he had no controls over the helicopter. This includes motor throttle and also swashplate movement.

As we analysed the log data, we noticed that once we started descending in the ALT HOLD, there was an error of “potential trust loss” which is followed by “radio loss” and “compass loss”. We are not really sure what is the problem here.\

At first, we thought that it is a problem with traditional helicopter landing detection. But we are not 100% sure if this is the case.

I have attached the flight log in the link below.

We appreciate if anyone can kindly help guide us to what the problem may be.

Please give permission to access your file on google drive.

I have granted permission and changed to public access. Sorry for the inconvenience!

No worries. Sorry about your crash. I will look at this later today.

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Hi @jippers ,
it was a commanded shut-down due to setup error.
You have set motor interlock on channel 3 (throttle) while it should have been left at default on channel 8 (or any other channel associated to a 2 positions switch-surely not to a stick channel!).
As soon as the pilot lowered the collective (so channel 3) motor went off:

“Potential thrust loss” is a direct consequence of rpm dropping (and so lift) after motor shutdown and collective maxing out. The other messages are subsequent the impact:


Thank you @Ferrosan!

That makes sense!

I never fully understood motor interlock. Does that mean motor interlock acts like an additional safety switch?

What is the main difference between motor interlock and safety(arm/disarm) switch?

Arm/disarm and motor interlock are unrelated to each other in what their functions are, arming switch (or procedure- by applying right yaw) performs several checks on internal status of flight control (like GNSS fix, compass health, params sanity and many others) before letting you arm the aircraft for takeoff and flying.
Motor interlock allows for switching on and off the engine, if flight control is in armed state.
So yes, it is an additional safety switch on “main” power source.

They are subsequent to each other, in other words you will not be allowed to switch motor interlock on if the helicopter is in disarmed state.


Thank you for the help @Ferrosan!

Now I understand the difference between the arm/disarm and motor interlock switch.

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The solution doesn’t work for us @Ferrosan @bnsgeyer .

Turns out we are using RSC mode 1 which is RC pass through, and that requires the motor interlock to be binded to the throttle channel.

Is there any way to by pass this?

that’s not true, you need to bind it to a channel associated to specific RSC function. With 3 modes available (mode 2, mode 3-throttle curve, mode 4-governor), basically every possible ESC/engine configuration is properly covered by the code, It’s hard to believe you still need to use mode 1.

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@Ferrosan we tried mode 2 but the motors did not spin up after arming.

The servo 8 channel (heliRSC) did not increase pwm after armed and throttle up (rc ch3)

I can send the params again in a few hours.

The param list is below and rsc mode is set to 2.

I have originally set the motor interlock to another switch which works fine.

However, even with motor interlock and arming working, the heliRSC servo is not increasing value when throttle is up.

Dragonfly_Setup_27_06_2024.param (20.0 KB)

@jippers from what I can see in the setup, it looks correct. Please run a ground test with RSC mode 2 selected. Please set LOG_DISARMED to 1. Then arm and then enable motor interlock. I want to see if there are any errors or other issues are shown in the data

Ok. I just saw that your H_RSC_RAMP_TIME is 25 seconds. Please wait 30 sec before disabling motor interlock and disarming.
Then post the log.

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Hi @jippers, also post the log containing this test.

Thanks @Ferrosan and @bnsgeyer for the replies!

I have tried it and it still didn’t work, seems to disarm after a few seconds not doing anything.

The log is below.

Thanks again. Looking forward to hear back from you.

Hi @jippers ,
in this log your arming switch (CH7) was low for the whole time.
Then you have motor interlock (CH8) reversed, I suggest to set back RC8_REVERSED to “0”. You can check in real time what is going on RC input and output in real time through MP radio calibration and servo setup pages.
You should test like this:

  1. ensure switch ch8 is low
  2. arm the aircraft using switch ch7
  3. move ch8 switch to high and check for pwm rise on the servo output.
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Hi guys, im working together with @jippers on this and after following the previous advice we managed to make it work by using the sequence:

  1. Motor interlock disabled
  2. Arm
  3. Throttle up
  4. Interlock enable

And it spins up.
Thanks a lot guys!

Thanks @Ferrosan !

We were flying with the wrong sequence. We kept thinking its motor interlock then arm. But it should be the other way around.

Thanks for the help again.

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Why do you have the throttle up step? What are you actually doing for that step. The steps should all be done with collective down. Throttle is taken care of by the RSC

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i will check this tommorow, for that step we just move the throttle stick up from zero, but i can check if its actually neccesary or if we were just tired and thought it is.