Crashed drone due to unknown reasons!

Please help me out what’s the reason behind this crashed. During flying drone suddenly ocillates on Y-axis. I can’t control that drone and it was crashed. I’m share the log , Please help me out to fix this error,

Is this the dolphining with a rangefinder that was fixed in 4.1?

I see rngfnd1_min_cm = 19000 and rngfnd1_max_cm = 18000, is this your intention?

Something else I noticed, looks like your battery is close to giving out (bat.volt) then the extreme pitching causes the volts to drop quite a bit (but looks like that happens after the pitching starts so probably not the cause) just so you’re aware

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In addition to what Derek said can I assume this was Auto Tuned? I don’t think the Tune was good. Usually when you see a big difference between P/R max something wasn’t right.

And reflected here.

Often this is because Aggression has been turned down from default but in this log you have it at default (.1)

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Might be you are right Dave,
Auto tuned was not good . That’s caused this crash occurred. Also I move pitch joystick faster , that drone can’t sustained.