Please help me out what’s the reason behind this crashed. During flying drone suddenly ocillates on Y-axis. I can’t control that drone and it was crashed. I’m share the log , Please help me out to fix this error,
Is this the dolphining with a rangefinder that was fixed in 4.1?
I see rngfnd1_min_cm = 19000 and rngfnd1_max_cm = 18000, is this your intention?
Something else I noticed, looks like your battery is close to giving out (bat.volt) then the extreme pitching causes the volts to drop quite a bit (but looks like that happens after the pitching starts so probably not the cause) just so you’re aware
In addition to what Derek said can I assume this was Auto Tuned? I don’t think the Tune was good. Usually when you see a big difference between P/R max something wasn’t right.
And reflected here.
Often this is because Aggression has been turned down from default but in this log you have it at default (.1)
Might be you are right Dave,
Auto tuned was not good . That’s caused this crash occurred. Also I move pitch joystick faster , that drone can’t sustained.