Crash Pixhawk Arducopter 3.3.3 Help

Hi, I´m Max recently I replaced my Arducopter with Pixhawk. I performed all configurations and calibrations. In hexacopter test flight the controls don´t respond and finish with Drone crash. The Fence failsafe was active, but the lost control happened before that. I hope you can help me.

I used RX DEVO, GPS Beitian, Pixhawk.
2016-09-09 12-30-14.bin (2.0 MB)

Hi mxapaza,

if i put your log through Mission Planners Auto Analysis tool it tells there is an IMU missmatch found within the log.

I think its to much vibration that is the cause here.

Check your vibration levels please, maybe you need to add some vibration damping if your Pixhawk is mounted hard to your frame ?

have a look at these both pages, that should help:


You are right, but when I change to Loiter Mode is when I lost control and the vibrations increase because the copter was out of control. The pixhawk is mounted above foam, I used to mount APM in foam and never caused me problems.

Sometimes foam can worsen the problem but I always try to fix the vibration cause first (balance props & hubs, look at motor vibration as well).

I use Kyosho Zeal stuff with great success.

4 little qubes in the corners of the Pixhawk works for me but i spend some time before figuring that out.

In the end bought better quality props as well. Graupner E Props, Xoar and T-Motor are the best in my opinion but they tend to be expensive as well though most of them dont need much balancing.


Thanks Linus, I noted Mag x,y,z and Magx2,y2,z2 it´s inverted. It´s normal?


maybe the one of the compass is mounted on the bottom side of the gps/controller ?
I am not sure just pure guessing.