Before the crash dump created, there was the latest stable firmware uploaded to the Pixhawk 6x, and everything configured well for test flights.
I decided to play with FFT so detached the FC and wrote a number of parameters calculated by online FFT viewer and rebooted. Since that the FC started to constanlty reboot after 5 seconds. Taking the SD card out helped, so I had a chance to write default parameters. But, the crash dump file still was stored, and flooded with “PreArm: Crash dump detected”.
Wasn’t possible to delete the crash file, so as recommended, I uploaded my custom firmware. Please find what I included and exluded in my custom build in the bash script attached. Since my custom firmware build flashed, I started settings from defaults.
I believe, the crash dump is still there even after re-flashing, so I still have this precaution in messages. Not sure if this file kept from previous issues (with non-custom FW) or my custom newly generated, as it has no date or serial number.
In any way, as soon as I re-flashed with my custom build, there are no reboots or any other issues, setting further; but not sure if I could run the helicopter in sky.
I am also attaching the crash dump itself.
Please recommend what to do next? Cheers, Andrew (2.3 KB)
crash_dump.bin (45.1 KB)