Crash due to Brown Out?

I had a crash a week ago with my ROBO-Q copter and a pixhawk 3.2.1 firmware X type. I am using a:

1- 330kv tiger motors
2- 30A muiltirotor speed controllers
3- 3DR power module
4- 3DR compass/GPS module
5- 6s LiPo battery with 7800 mAH
6- futaba T10CAG transmitter and FS6008H receiver

So this is my first time using the pixhawk autopilot and after installing everything according to the manual and making sure everything is fine, also calibrating the Compass, RC radio and the accelerometers and tuning the PID gains for the Roll, pitch and yaw. I went to the field for a first test and went through the modes one by one (stabilize, ALT_HOLD, LOITER, RTL, AUTO). So for the first flight I tried stabilize, ALT_HOLD, LOITER modes then land it back to ground and gave me a fantastic results. Then for the second flight and when before I was going to trigger the RTL mode from the stabilize mode suddenly and without any warning, beep or something all the motors went off and the copter fell down from 20 meters altitude.

By looking through the data log, the auto analysis give me that a brown out has happened, but when graphing the voltage of the battery and the VCC for the pixhawk nothing seems unusual. My question is what caused this to happen???

Half of the copter parts are damaged and I have replaced them with new parts, but I don’t want to go for a field test before preventing this problem to happen again. Please if anyone can help me and look through the log and tell me if I need to change or configure something.



I’m a newbie so don’t expect much help from my side. Sorry. I just wanted to say that maybe this could be caused by a software crash. I don’t know how a crash of the application looks like when flying but I would expect a similar behavior. But again, I’m a beginner :wink:


I think the 3dr power module doesn’t accept batteries higher than 4s. You mentioned you had a 6s battery and a 3dr power module… With my hex build I had to use an Atto180 power module… … batteries/

Yup, 3DR power module is not rated for 6s.