Crash analysis, probable power loss

Hi guys,

Unfortunately my drone retired today while doing some testing. I was doing some roll tests to review my PID step response when it suddenly flipped upside down, and down it went. It didn’t sustain much structural damage but as it’s s craft for professional use, all electronic parts can’t be used again.

Log file: 2024-05-24 21-28-59.bin - Google Drive

I’ve reviewed the log and it seems to have lost power to the FC during the flight. The thing is that when I came to get it, it was on and back home it powered on fine and no system errors.

I’m using a Cube orange (regular), kore carrier board, herelink, tf02 lidar, 2x HERE3 gnss units, T-motor MN605S standard arm set running 22 inch propps, 22.2 volts, 6s lipo. 2x10 Ah packs.

I’ve not had it apart yet but if anyone could take a look and see if I’ve missed something it would be very kind.


just opened it up to find everything to be exactly as is should. No lose connections, snapped soldering joints or damaged cables. No idea why it would do something like this

I’m sorry for your loss. Your log file just stops - indicating a complete loss of power or a firmware crash. Is there a crash_dump.bin file on the SDCARD? If not then its probably complete loss of power (more likely)

We have met ESC reboot issue before(NOT this PDB/ESC/FC). So maybe you can check if there is kind of evidence of ESC reboot failure, any audio/video and also reboot audio/video, or sound that you hear.

I didn’t find any crash dump file, removed the SD card to check. I sure hope it’s not a firmware crash, how would one know? I’m running latest. This was the second flight on latest as well.

All wiring from the battery to the kore is perfectly fine so the only thing between the cube and battery is the Kore board. The kore is mounted directly to the frame so frame flex might have caused a failure? Everything turns on perfectly fine now, which is odd.

I don’t think I’ll be looking for any all in one solution like the kore for my next iteration.

I didn’t hear any sound, all just went dead in the air. I don’t think an ESC reboot would cause the FC to shot down or reboot, stopping the logging?

Did the flight controller come back up when you powered it? If it did was there any error? Usually an in-flight crash will trigger a reboot. If it simply stopped working that seems more like a power issue.

Nope, no messages but everything powers on just fine. It just went completely dead, no sound at all while if fell. It was also on when I went to get it. So something had power.

Logs won’t lie. The power suddenly ran out (cut off), so there won’t be any logs in the future. However, when the copter was picked up, it was powered on, so it must have been restarted. If you want to find the real reason, you may need further analysis or even testing to obtain more evidence chains.

parallel connection?? Do you think there is a possibility of an imbalance in battery level? The cable management is neat, so the chance of dry and insufficient solder possibility should be low.

Yeah, I would need to replicate it. I don’t really have the resources or time to du that. The only thing between the FC and the battery is the KORE carrier board. I can’t really diagnose any issues within it.

I think I’ll have do redesign my power management to include multiple BECs for my FC and a more robust PDB solution.

I’ve measured the batteries and their at the same voltage (0.1 off). So I don’t think they would have differed enough to cause a complete shut down. My best guess is the kore, which is almost impossible to diagnose for me since it powers on fine now.

Why there is no electrolytic capacitor??? (Maybe I can’t see from this angle :<)

There are 2 large capacitors on each ESC, mounted at the ESC so can’t see them in the image

Might want to raise this incident with Cubepilot.

The board states 140A continuous current with 280A surges, you use 6S, potential current is 58.60A * 4. Do you think could be a potential issue?

You may want to consider changing it to 12S (34.6A *4), series the battery. The overall fight time is not different by a lot.