Crash after update to 3.5

Hi everyone,

I’ve updated to 3.5 and reconfigured all. I have a Ironman 650 with pixhawk. I launched in Stabilize mode, seconds later I changed to AltHold mode, and the drone went up like a rocket. I turned back to stablize, but the controls was strange and the drone hit the ground and turned upside down. I had difficult to disarm it upside down, the disarm occurred by time, not by remote. So, how I have motor spin 130 configured, the motors was trying spin locked by the ground and I lost an ESC and all propellers.


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Please download and post the dataflash log from the flight for evaluation. Without that, it’s impossible to say from the description what happened.

I will do this tonight, I’m at work now. The pix is in my house. Thank you!

Hi, I realize a Err: EKF-PRIMARY-1 when changed to AltHold. What happened?

2017-07-22 (477.6 KB)

The log are attached.

@Pedals2Paddles the logs are attached! Thank you!

are you sure it’s the correct log ? , I see no AltHold mode, or crazy climb, just a roll-over

@Andre-K the graphic of the log attached.

for a better view of “shooting up” , see GPS.alt or BARO.alt
That said, it seems to hover fine at 30% throttle, yet MOT_THST_HOVER was set to 68.75% at the start of the flight. Why ?

later on , you put the throttle to zero a few times, which surely does not help the feeling of control loss, but I cannot see a problem until you hit something the first time (or a mechanical failure causes vibrations)