Crash after TAKE OFF 3.8


Hoping I can get some feedback. I’ve had quite a few similar crashes. Flying wing executes TAKEOFF in AUTO. Heads to waypoint 1 and takes a dive.



1). Pitch and roll are not matching up… at all. It seems quite lucky that the plane got as high as it did. I don’t think it’s related to heading toward waypoint 1. Maybe a servo issue once again? A FBWA check is necessary in almost every circumstance to confirm that everything is working before launch. Seems like a control surface is not responding.

Arming_Require = 0, so there’s effectively no arming checks.
Arspd_Autocal = 1, so maybe this was a maiden.
RC11_MAX = 32767, probably unrelated, but definitely out of range.

I really can’t find anything else. Voltages seem good. I’d search for mechanical problems or confirm that your PIDs match correctly flying aircraft. They’re not default PID’s, but I can’t confirm if they’re good or not.

Sorry for the losses. :frowning: