I’m wondering if it’s possible for Tower to receive frsky S.port telemetry from the taranis serial port.
Just a one way connection for vehicle monitoring.
my hope would be to put a bluetooth on my taranis then connect up with my phone.
I guess the other way to do it is to convert the S.port output to mavlink, but i’m not sure if Tower needs to send anything first to get a connection.
Why? Tower is setup to use a telemetry radio. Just connect it via an OTG cable and you have full GCS functionality.
Bluetooth is fine for making phone calls and listening to music. I’m hearing impaired. I use Bluetooth to connect my hearing aids to my phone and to stream audio from my laptop and home theater system, but for any useful data transmission I think using Bluetooth is less than worthless. Range sucks and latency is horrendous. Complete waste of a serial port…