Copter tilting forward

Of coure, all calibrations were made. it still doesn’t fly.
Bins and logs were posted on the google disk

I"ll be able to do that tomorrow. As well, I’ll try to swap motor 2 and motor 4 just to see what happens.

You’ve got the correct frame type set: Quad H
The motor spin directions even look good, probably just check if the numbering is correct:
I cant see anything else obviously wrong

Fire up the MissionPlanner motor test, A should correspond to Motor 1, B should be Motor 4, C should be Motor 2 and D should be Motor 3
Move the ESC connectors in your Aux outputs till it matches (since your parameters are correct)

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The reason is cleared, the problem is that the capacitors are burnt. What wires do you recomend me to use?

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Wow, is that how you found them? You did not cut those leads?
If that kind of heat is building up in a lead with almost no resistance, that is an enormous amount of current.

Maybe a prop strike could cause that to happen…

Also, a common failure mode of ESC’s appears to be them simply losing power… I’ve had a few die that way… They appeared to work. They’d start as normal w/ the rest of the motors. But the copter would always tilt to one corner. Replaced the ESC, and it fixed it. Maybe you need two need ESC’s.

Thank youfor the advice, the situation is quite clear from now on. That happens because the wires are not wide enough, big voltage difference with high current (100A) causes increase in the amplitude of alternating voltage, which is cut short through the capacitor and leads to that effect. 6 out of 8 capacitors are like that. 2 capacitors still work, and thats why 2 motors worked better.