Copter takoff, tilts and crashed, please help me to analyze the log and find the cause

I have a Tarot 650 Sport Quadcopter UAV. The UAV is equipped with a Hex Cube Black flight controller, RFD868 modules. Here are telemetry Logs link: Logs - Google Drive

The drone took off to 0.5 meter approximately and suddenly tilts toward right and crashed. Kindly help me figuring out the issue. I am new to Pixhawk

Tlog are not useful, post a link to the .bin flight log from the Flight Controller.

default tune. No setup. Go back to the tuning guide in the wiki or How to methodically tune (almost) any multicopter using ArduCopter 4.4.x and start from scratch.

And next time post the .bin log file. .tlogs are of little value.


The pixhawak did not creat the .bin log of that flight. Had a logging error notifcation during crash flight.
After the flight i did some testing by taking off the props. Here is its .bin log file:

Nothing to be learned from this log. Looks to me and as @Allister said you are on default parameters and this shouldn’t even be leaving the ground. Start over.

I don’t quite recommend cube Black 256KB RAM F4 with 4.3.8 and above, lately without making custom strip down version, it was warm, unusual warm.

I have move to CubeBlueH7 == Cube Orange.

I had another flight with the same drone setup but the flight controller this time is cube orange.

Here are its TLOGS: Crash - Google Drive

In the flight the drone took off to 10m then made a descend and then flew to 16m and then made another uncontrolled descend and crashed.

Unfortunately this time also we could get the .bin logs out of drone.

PS: I had tunning for this flight its not on default parameters.

Mission planners review .bin or .log files best. The telemetry log does not seem helpful. Error extracting parameters.

If you have checked the frame xy-cg, propeller spin direction, and follow the tuning guide from section 1, you should be able to quickly switch to Alt-hold and let the Ardupilot further learn a propulsion value for your 14" propeller Hexa drone and continue the tuning.

flight mode, you may want to set one to stabilize mode and the rest as Alt-hold for the first flight and tuning. Set up one for Loiter mode for or after Autotune is completed.
you may want to reduce the PILOT_SPEED_UP for now.

Hy! i did some testing and here are the logs of today test. Today the drone was tilting toward once driection when i increased the throttle. Kindly go throught the logs and help me in figuring out what’s wrong with the drone.

Have you done a non-propeller ESC calibration? check your frame XY CG. Also, double-check your motor order against your class and type selection. Check with motor test GUI without propeller.

I may be wrong, but from this motor graph, it seems weird of the motor output.

MOT_BAT_VOLT_MAX, 4*4.2v right??

I hope you have done the RC calibration.

PILOT_SPEED_UP,125, reduced it for now.
PILOT_ACCEL_Z,75, reduce for now

By the way, what flight controller hardware board are you using? if you are still with CubeBlack, I do not recommend running 4.3.8 and above with the default build.

Yes i am using cube black, which build you suggest to use with cube black?

I have done ESC calibration and i have also done motor test multiple times. Battery voltage is correct. Yes i also motor output is also wired, when i increase throtle which causes the drone to tilts toward one direction.

Radio calibration was also done.

Sorry, I do not have an answer for that. maybe you would like to post it here.

I do not think so. 4*4.2 is 16.8V.

If you have done ESC calibration, frame XY CG check, RC calibration, and motor direction test, probably your motor or ESC is not working properly or you have accidentally configured the ESC to some unknown configurations, for example.

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I am using High Voltage LiPo (Lithium Polymer) LiHV. It’s similar to LiPo battery but allows you to charge it up to 4.35V per cell safely, and regular lipo could be charged up to 4.2v only.

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I did the flight again and switched to the older firmware as you recommended. I initially tried to takeoff in stabilized mode and had the same issue: the cockpit was tilting toward the left. So I aborted the takeoff.

After that, I tried to fly the drone in loiter mode, and with the same setup and without any changes, the drone was able to take off in loiter mode.

It’s a bit strenuous, as the mission planner recommends doing the flight in stabilized mode.

Here are the flights logs of today test: Flight logs - Google Drive

You are using old firmware thus have posted in the wrong place. Update to latest Stable.

And your craft is underpowered/overweight;

The average output here should be close to 1500µs at Hover.

Can you do a check on this?

As @dkemxr said, your drone motor and propeller combination thrust may not be sufficient for the entire drone. Usually, MOT_THST_HOVER will be 0.25 and below. besides that, the graph looks normal expected. CubeBlack, there may be a wrong configuration as a result of logged high vibration.