After a heat mishap with my old ESCs, I got 4 of these:
After replacing everything, everything seems fine. ESC calibration runs well, and I take off in altHold. First flight I have no problem. Second Flight I run autotune until battery dies, everthing is fine otherwise. Third flight, I fly for about 30 seconds to a minute, and suddenly the copter flips violently into the ground.
Every filght since does the same.
Studing some logs tells me that motor 4 is getting max signal at the time of crash, and motor 3 minimum.
Attaching some logs, would love some input!47 2000-01-02 05-50-28.bin (199.1 KB)
46 2000-01-02 05-32-22.bin (705.1 KB)
52 2000-01-02 07-15-24.bin (439.4 KB)
45 2000-01-02 05-12-06.bin (1.6 MB)
45 is the successful flight, the others are the crashes.