Copter, false current reading

I am using a pixhawk 6c with the pm07 pdb and i worked great until one day that it disided not to get a correct current reading(stack at 0.3A) even with the motors working with load.I have set batt_monitor=4
And set the correct pins (4 and8) but still nothing.
What could be wrong?
Is it possible to have damaged it in any way e.g. while soldering?

Thank you

If it worked one day and not the next, then yes retrace your steps and figure out what happened or changed. In my old day job we used to say that 50% of your maintenance is caused by 50% of your maintenance.

These current sensors are typically very inaccurate at low current. Nothing you can do about that. It’s best to calibrate it for a current flow that is more in line with an flight load if possible. Or use the battery charge method.

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