Copter desired pitch doesn't make sense

At takeoff, heli pitches up – and I see in the log, that’s the “desired pitch”. WHY? Mode was altitude hold, and no elevator (or aileron) inputs given. Why the step pitch? This led to tip over and lots of broken props.

ok—on further inspection, I see there is input on RCIN C2 (elevator channel). BUT – I believe that was my reaction to the heli pitching up to begin with…


Solved – the elevator channel was apparently missed during radio calibration. The max value was slightly above 1500 and the min slightly below, no doubt caused by a slight perturbation when calibrating the aileron channel. This made the heli hyper-sensitive to pitch input – and apparently resulted in A REVERSAL in forward/back behavior – which made the logs a bit more difficult to interpret. After re-calibration of the radio, the heli flies fine.