Copter climbing and no more controllable


I am new here and I try to configure my copter for a stable flight behaviour (who not :slight_smile: ). But first I will thank the developers for this nice peace of soft- and hardware.

The copter still feels unstable and getting it up from the ground is a little struggle. But I get it up and when it is in the air, after a small while it starts climbing further and further and it gets uncontrollable. Then, if I set the throttle to zero (Or maybe because of wild clicking on the RC due to the shock :slight_smile: ) the motors shut down after a few secs and the copter falls down :cry: -> failsafe active?

While reading through the troubleshoot page I found in the section “My overpowered copter rockets into the air can’t be brought down unless I cut the throttle” that when the copter is unstable the firmware tries to compensate instabillity by increasing the throttle.
My question is, is it possible to switch the throttle increase off or are there other possible problems which lead to this behavior? Any ideas how to debug the problem when it is not depending on the described feature?

Every help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Kind regards,

Post log if you want good help, but it sounds like too much vibrations in z axis., a common reason to climbing.
Read about vibrations and check your logs.

Balance your props see if it’s better

Hi there. First off, make sure you’re starting out in stabilize mode and you have 3.1.3. Second, set your THR_MID lower. If you have a log I may be able to tell you how much lower. Then, start lowering the roll and pitch gains in proportion (i.e, if you set P to half of its original value, set I and D to half their original values) until the copter stops oscillating.

Next switch to alt hold mode and lower THR_ACCEL_P and THR_ACCEL_I until the copter no longer oscillates. If the copter rapidly diverges from its altitude in alt hold mode with the stick centered, then you have a problem with vibration. Same if it rapidly diverges from its altitude while maneuvering (though a few meters of descent can be expected when flying fast).

Next run autotune.


Tanks for the fast response.

I have checked for vibrations and it seems to look fine (see logs). Furthermore, I have reset the complete firmware and repeated the whole configuration.

Today I got it quite easy into the air and the copter felt very stable. But after landing and starting again, I haven’t got it in the air anymore. It always turned on the back when starting. It seemed that a motor (front left) got out-of-sync. So I have recalibrated the ESCs without any success.

Here the logs. The first one is the one with the stable flight. The second only includes crashes :frowning:

[attachment=1]2014-04-26 11-45-58.log[/attachment]

[attachment=0]2014-04-26 12-08-32 3.log[/attachment]
